Attention Skirts

A pencil skirt is a slim fitting skirt with a straight and narrow cut. Generally the hem falls to, or just below, the knee and is tailored for a close fit. The name come from it's shape: long and slim. Christian Dior introduced the pencil skirt in the late 1940s.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Would Like To Thank...

I received my very first award from Annie @ Annie Weighs!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Nominate seven newly discovered blogs.
4. Let your nominees know about the award

Things about Me!
1. My Explorer is named Kevin.
2. I love swimming. I think it makes life better to be able to pretend I'm a mermaid for a little while.
3. I'm really struggling thinking of 7 things to share which is nutso since I can talk anyone's ear off.
4. I love having my own apartment. It's clean and I don't have to clean after anyone else which I really am grateful for.
5. I am often told that I look like Kirstie Alley.
6. My favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and Independence Day because of the same reasons. I get to just hang with my family, have good food and play games.
7. I'm often sung to when I meet older people because they remember the song Carrie Ann by The Hollies. "Hey Carrie Ann, what's your game now can anybody play?"

My Nominees!

1. Ginger @ 365 Days of What?

~Ginger is a terrific commenter which makes me smile every time I see her kissy face picture!~

2. Sarah @ (Food Will Not Define Me Forever)

~Sarah is a lovey-dovey! There have been moments when I've been down and knowing that we have gone through some of the same things has made my day a little more bearable.~

3. Lafngrl @ (Virtual Biggest Loser, Summer of 2010)

~I like her attitude in her goals!~

4. Missy @ (Fatology)

~I so appreciate her candor in her feelings and her words. I love that she can toss around the word 'fuck' but there is purpose behind it and you can feel it through her writing. But I hate it because I cannot figure out how to follow those wordpress bloggers.~

5. Kirsten @ (Results Not Typical Girl)

~Kirsten's writing is real funny. Where I am more reflective in my writing I so appreciate her openness for just what is in front of her. It's refreshing!

6. Amanda @ (Ass in Seat)

~I love the name of Amanda's blog! When I went to San Diego recently during the flight I thought about her due to my big behind was in an airplane seat. :)~

7. Miss Haneefa @ (Black Girl Gets Fit)

~Miss Haneefa has a terrific blog. It's uplifting and she keeps with her goals. She writes them out clearly and reviews them which always helps me to review mine.~


  1. Haha, can't figure out wordpress, eh? :)

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I love it! :)

  2. Nope, I feel like a moron everytime I'm scrolling up and down looking for a FOLLOW button. Why can't it be easy?

  3. you are so awesome!! as soon as i get my brain power back i would be happy to accept this award and post it on mine. :)

  4. are you still alive?!!! just checking :p hope you are dancing and singing and having some fun

  5. Ha ha! Love it. And it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks of random bloggers during real life moments. lol

    Thank you so much for thinking of me! It means a lot. I have been MIA because we're prepping for our move and I am just now seeing this. I will post and thank you properly as soon as I can! :)
